Our Projects

Explore our diverse projects showcasing top-tier infrastructure solutions across various sectors, from municipal works to private developments, shaping communities in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, Texas, and beyond.

Ravalli County

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Work included installation of a gravity sanitary sewer pipeline from the City of Hamilton’s wastewater collection system in Fairgrounds Road east and north, crossing the Daly Ditch Irrigation District’s Republican Ditch and the Montana Department of Transportation’s East Side Highway to the Ravalli County Airport property at Airport Road. The total lengths of sanitary sewer installed is 3,369 lineal feet of 10” sanitary sewer; 2,901 lineal feet of 12” sanitary sewer and 2,535 lineal feet of 18” sanitary sewer.

City of Billings

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Phase 2 Improvements from Wicks Lane Station 137+80 to the Emma Jean Subdivision storm connection. Construction consists of new 30 to 54-inch diameter storm drain trunk line. Improvements include storm drain and incidental water main installation, asphalt paving, sidewalks, and tree removal. The project is located within Wicks Lane and Bitterroot Drive in Billings, MT.

5 LF 6” water main, 52 LF 8” water main, 542 LF 12” water main. 10 LF 18” PVC storm drain, 20 LF 24” PVC storm drain, 20 LF 30” PVC storm drain, 204 LF 36” PVC storm drain, 1,332 42” RCP storm drain, 696 54” RCP storm drain.

Liberty County

Contract Amount

Work Performed
The work included improvements to the Town of Joplin’s Wastewater Collection and Treatment System. The Base Bid collection system improvements consisted of replacing approximately 380-feet of existing 8” clay gravity sewer main with 8” PVC in the alley south of Second Street. The new main was connected to existing manholes on each side of the alignment. Base Bid treatment system improvements included sludge removal from Cell 1 of the existing wastewater lagoon and installation of a new influent flow metering manhole. The existing cross-connection piping was capped and abandoned in place, and a new lagoon cross-connecting weir structure and piping installed. The existing flow splitter structure and overflow structures and piping were removed and replaced. Additive Alternate # 1 included the removal and land application of biosolids from Lagoon Cell 2. Additive Alternate # 2 included installation of 4 new 48” concrete manholes and approximately 650-feet of new 8” PVC gravity sewer main along Norman Avenue to replace an existing 4” sanitary service line that currently services multiple residential houses. This extended 4” service was disconnected and capped at each service, and the individual services for each residence were connected to the new 8” sanitary sewer main. The new 8” PVC main connects into an existing 8” sewer main. The owner added change orders to the project to reroute the sewer line on Norman Avenue due to a water line conflict and for 246 LF 8” gravity sewer main and service reconnections.

North Valley County Water & Sewer District

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Schedule One consists of replacing 2,200 linear feet of 8-inch asbestos cement (AC) water main with new 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water main, replacing and installing new valves, fire hydrants, and water services up to and including curb stops. Schedule Two consists of replacing 1,740 linear feet of 10-inch asbestos cement (AC) water main with new 10-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water main, replacing and installing new valves, and water services up to and including curb stops.

Town of Wibaux

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Reconfiguration of the existing facultative lagoon evaporation system to accommodate treatment and storage for a new spray irrigation system along with a new pumping facility, force main, and a center pivot for effluent disposal via spray irrigation. Removal of 354,600 SF of existing lagoon liner and replacement with 60 mil HDPE.

City of Billings

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Zone 1: Alleys north and south of Princeton Avenue between Michigan Street and Wisconsin Street. Included 1,180 LF of 8” sanitary sewer main replacement, manholes, service reconnections, and associated work.

Zone 2: Portion of Ponderosa Drive south of Poly Drive. Included 360 LF of 8” sanitary sewer main (both open cut replacement and CIPP lining the existing sewer main), manholes, lining existing manhole, service reconnections, and associated work.

Zone 3: Burlington Ave area between 13th St W and 10th St W; 12th St W between Lewis Ave and Burlington Ave; Cottage Lane north of Lewis Ave; Romelda Lane north of Burlington Ave; and Wunnicke Lane north of Burlington Ave. Included 2,615 LF of 8” sanitary sewer main replacement, manholes, service reconnections, and associated work.

Zone 4: The alley north of Montana Ave between North 27th St and North 20th St. Included the CIPP lining of 2,700 LF of the existing 15” and 18” clay sewer mains, a small portion of open cut replacement, service reconnections, manholes, lining existing manholes, and associated work.

Zone 5: Area between 1st Ave S and State Ave and between South 41st St and South 39th St. Included 3,100 LF of 8” sanitary sewer main replacement (primarily CIPP lining the existing sewer main with a small portion of open cut replacement), manholes, lining existing manhole, service reconnections, and associated work

City of Livingston

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Installation of 3,688 LF of 4 “ pipe for sewer service lines. Construction of new sewer mains (9,829 LF of 8”, 3,220 LF of 10”), sewer service to each property extended off the main to the property line, bedding material, backfill, dewatering, compaction, sewer testing, asphalt and gravel road trench removal and replacement, and all other work related to construction of a complete and operable sewer system.

Town of Circle

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Schedule 1 included 1,475 LF of 8” PVC water main that replaced 4” AC. Schedule 2 included 1,275 LF of 8” PVC water main that replaced 6” and 4” CIP and 6” AC. Schedules 1, 2 and 3 included 4 horizontal directional drills of 120 LF each installation of 8” carrier pipe. Schedule 6 included 1,100 LF of 8” PVC Water Main.

Costco Wholesale Corporation

General Contractor
Knife River – Billings

Work Performed
The project consisted of 7,607 LF of 6” to 21” Storm Drain piping, storm drain cleanouts, 800 LF of 24 “and 60” Irrigation, 48” – 84” SD Manholes, 120” SD Manhole Pump Station, (3) Chambered Stormwater Retention Systems, 1,956 LF of 6” – 8” Sanitary Sewer piping, 48” Manholes, cleanouts, Oil / Water Separator. 1,706 LF of 3” – 12” PVC waterline and appurtenances, Water Meter Vault, 150 LF of 6” PVC Fireline and Fire Vault.

Montana Department of Transportation

General Contractor
Riverside Contracting, Inc.

Contract Amount

Work Performed
Installation of 735 LF PVC Press 16” water, 43 LF PVC Press 12” water, 607 LF 24” storm drain pipe, new stormwater pump station, 1063 LF 18” storm drain pipe, 94 LF 12” storm drain pipe.

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